
Installation Method 2 – Flying

Firefly an LED wall with bright geometric colors is flying over the ocean 23993
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Flying a wall suspended from rigging systems or truss structures opens up a world of possibilities, making them ideal for numerous applications. In this blog post, we will explore the use cases for flying LED walls, with a particular focus on their role as side screens in IMAG (Image Magnification) situations.

Maximizing Visual Impact

Flying LED walls offers a unique advantage in maximizing visual impact. By positioning them as side screens in IMAG setups, event organizers can ensure that every audience member has a clear view of the visuals, regardless of their seating location. These screens complement the main stage visuals and enhance the overall viewer experience, creating a dynamic and immersive atmosphere. Flown LED walls are commonly used in concerts, conferences, trade shows, and live events where large audiences need a clear view of the content.

Lack of Versatility in Configuration

One thing that needs to be thought through is the lack of versatility in configuration. They can be customized to fit the specific requirements of the event space, but the panels are attached to a large truss that is then itself hung from the ceiling structure. Once you build the wall and lift it up to where it is going to live long term, you’re not going to want to add or subtract panels. Our opinion is that when you’re replacing projectors with LED walls for your IMAG that bigger is better. Go as big as your budget allows and at least match the size of your current screens. Once they’re designed and installed, it’s very costly to increase their dimensions.

Being attached to truss gives you two options. You can either try to hide the truss. If it’s above the black line of your sanctuary, you can have the truss painted a matte black and it will disappear. You can also use the truss as an opportunity to mount lights. This ability to be seamlessly integrated with other visual elements, such as lighting and projection, further enhances the overall production value. This adaptability makes flying LED walls a popular choice for event designers and production teams seeking to deliver memorable experiences.

Optimizing Space and Sightlines

Another advantage of flying LED walls is their ability to optimize space and sightlines within the venue. By suspending the video wall, floor space is freed up, allowing for better crowd flow and maximizing the available area for seating or other activities. Additionally, since the screens are elevated, they do not obstruct the view of the main stage for the audience, ensuring that every attendee has an unobstructed sightline to the performers or presenters. This makes flying LED walls particularly well-suited for events held in venues with limited floor space or challenging seating arrangements.


Flying walls have revolutionized the way visual content is delivered in live events. Their versatility, ability to maximize visual impact, and optimization of sightlines make them valuable tools for event production. Particularly as side screens in IMAG situations, flying LED walls ensure that every audience member can fully engage with the event and have a clear view of the action on stage. Whether it’s a concert, conference, or trade show, flying LED walls offer a dynamic and immersive visual experience that leaves a lasting impression.

We hope this blog post has shed light on the various use cases and advantages of flying LED walls, particularly in their role as side screens in IMAG situations. If you have any further questions or would like more information, please feel free to reach out.

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Prompt is:
“an LED wall with bright geometric colors is flying over the ocean.”