
Live Production

Placing an LED wall on your stage opens a world of possibilities. You can use it for live-streaming at remote locations, making it appear almost as if you were really there. It can be used to play graphics and videos behind your band in places that it would be impossible to use a projector. You can use it to place information and graphics behind you instead of on a secondary screen, keeping your audience focused on you and your message.

Kiosks & Signage

We can use specialized, small pixel pitch, LED panels to place content anywhere you want in your space. With floor mounted options, you can build displays for special events and place them in areas that your audience naturally gathers. Image being able to show content from multiple locations around your facility for one event, then being able to remove it for another event, then using it to create a large video-wall to live stream content to an overflow room for another event. With LED panels you have the ability to customize the size and shape of your displays so suit your needs as they change.

Virtual Production

Virtual Production, also called xR or Extended Reality is the ability to use your LED wall as a backdrop to film against. More powerful than a green screen, the LED wall allows you to use dynamic content behind the performers that they can you can manipulate in real time. The content on the wall can be anything that you can imagine and create from real city streets to imaginary environments that only exist in your dreams.


Placing an LED wall on your stage opens a world of possibilities. You can use it for live-streaming at remote locations, making it appear almost as if you were really there. It can be used to play graphics and videos behind your band in places that it would be impossible to use a projector. You can use it to place information and graphics behind you instead of on a secondary screen, keeping your audience focused on you and your message.

Kiosks & Signage

We can use specialized, small pixel pitch, LED panels to place content anywhere you want in your space. With floor mounted options, you can build displays for special events and place them in areas that your audience naturally gathers. Image being able to show content from multiple locations around your facility for one event, then being able to remove it for another event, then using it to create a large video-wall to live stream content to an overflow room for another event. With LED panels you have the ability to customize the size and shape of your displays so suit your needs as they change.

Virtual Production

Virtual Production, also called xR or Extended Reality is the ability to use your LED wall as a backdrop to film against. More powerful than a green screen, the LED wall allows you to use dynamic content behind the performers that they can you can manipulate in real time. The content on the wall can be anything that you can imagine and create from real city streets to imaginary environments that only exist in your dreams.


Placing an LED wall on your stage opens a world of possibilities. You can use it for live-streaming at remote locations, making it appear almost as if you were really there. It can be used to play graphics and videos behind your band in places that it would be impossible to use a projector. You can use it to place information and graphics behind you instead of on a secondary screen, keeping your audience focused on you and your message.

Kiosks & Signage

We can use specialized, small pixel pitch, LED panels to place content anywhere you want in your space. With floor mounted options, you can build displays for special events and place them in areas that your audience naturally gathers. Image being able to show content from multiple locations around your facility for one event, then being able to remove it for another event, then using it to create a large video-wall to live stream content to an overflow room for another event. With LED panels you have the ability to customize the size and shape of your displays so suit your needs as they change.

Virtual Production

Virtual Production, also called xR or Extended Reality is the ability to use your LED wall as a backdrop to film against. More powerful than a green screen, the LED wall allows you to use dynamic content behind the performers that they can you can manipulate in real time. The content on the wall can be anything that you can imagine and create from real city streets to imaginary environments that only exist in your dreams.


Placing an LED wall on your stage opens a world of possibilities. You can use it for live-streaming at remote locations, making it appear almost as if you were really there. It can be used to play graphics and videos behind your band in places that it would be impossible to use a projector. You can use it to place information and graphics behind you instead of on a secondary screen, keeping your audience focused on you and your message.

Kiosks & Signage

We can use specialized, small pixel pitch, LED panels to place content anywhere you want in your space. With floor mounted options, you can build displays for special events and place them in areas that your audience naturally gathers. Image being able to show content from multiple locations around your facility for one event, then being able to remove it for another event, then using it to create a large video-wall to live stream content to an overflow room for another event. With LED panels you have the ability to customize the size and shape of your displays so suit your needs as they change.

Virtual Production

Virtual Production, also called xR or Extended Reality is the ability to use your LED wall as a backdrop to film against. More powerful than a green screen, the LED wall allows you to use dynamic content behind the performers that they can you can manipulate in real time. The content on the wall can be anything that you can imagine and create from real city streets to imaginary environments that only exist in your dreams.



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